What is the Managing Anxiety and Worry Course?
Our Managing Anxiety group is designed for those struggling with symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. It runs for 10 weeks and includes 8 group sessions and two individual reviews. The group is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, an approach which helps us to understand how our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and how some thoughts and feelings can trap you in a negative cycle. Each group session covers a different topic and lasts for two hours including a short comfort break in the middle. The course is designed to provide you with the information and skills needed to effectively manage symptoms of anxiety and worry.
The course is run by Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapists who both have specialist training in supporting people
with common mental health difficulties.
Each session includes a mixture of information giving, group discussion, group exercises and skills practice. The course is designed to be educational and skills focussed, and is not ‘group therapy’ or a forum for addressing individual personal problems (although these will of course be the focus of skills practice).
Participants will be expected to complete homework between every session in order to integrate skills taught into their own lives. Homework will be reviewed as part of every session.
The overall aim of the course is to enable participants to develop a clear understanding of their problems in cognitive behavioural terms, and learn positive strategies to overcome them.
The course will be run remotely so access to a device capable of making video calls (a mobile phone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer with camera) and an
internet connection will be required. Resources will be available online and you will be asked to complete a weekly set of questionnaires to help you monitor progress, so access to the internet and a work email address will also be required.
Course Overview
Session 1: Introduction to CBT and anxiety |
Session 2: GAD and why we worry |
Session 3: Beliefs about worry |
Session 4: Categorising worry and problem solving |
Session 5: Review | Individual review with one of the course facilitators |
Session 6: Worry time and attention refocusing |
Session 7: Intolerance of uncertainty |
Session 8: Overestimating threat and underestimating coping |
Session 9: Relapse Prevention |
Session 10: End Course Review | Individual reviews with one of the course facilitators |