Local Community Resources

Coventry and Warwickshire Mind

Coventry and Warwickshire Mind

Coventry and Warwickshire Mind is a local mental health charity affiliated to Mind: the leading mental health charity in England & Wales.

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Wellbeing for Warwickshire

Wellbeing for Warwickshire

Building on the success of the existing service, this enhanced offering commissioned by Warwickshire County Council (WCC), brings in a number of additional organisations who will work in partnership to deliver an improved journey for those using the service.

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Dimensions Tool

Dimensions Tool

The Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing is a free online tool providing self-care information to support adults, children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.

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Recovery and Wellbeing Academy

Recovery and Wellbeing Academy

The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy delivers an educational approach to courses and workshops where we share some of our experience and people go away with some helpful advice on each subject area. These are a useful place to start, progressing to the Talking Therapies courses. 

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Orcha Digital Health Library

Orcha Digital Health Library

Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust (CWPT) have been working with Orcha (a leading technology company) to develop 'My Health and Wellbeing App Library,' a new tailor-made app library that will help us deliver better, safer care for you. 

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Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust

The Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust provides a range of physical, mental health and learning disability services to children and adults across Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull.

The trust operate out of approximately 50 sites and provide inpatient, community and day clinics, as well as specialist services, to a population of about 1 million. 

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Cruse Bereavement Support

Cruse Bereavement Support

Cruse Bereavement offer support through their website, national helpline, live chat, group, zoom, telephone or one-to-one in person support to make sure everyone grieving gets the help they need in a way that works for them.  Cruse have a specially trained dedicated team of 4,000 bereavement volunteers.

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Community Autism Support Service

Community Autism Support Service

Community Austism Support Service (CASS) provides autism support for children, young people and adults across Coventry and Warwickshire. CASS draws on the collective strengths of local organisations Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and Act for Autism, working in a collaborative partnership with Autism West Midlands.

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